The most important thing in my world

+ why I'm building a media company

We’re currently in the midst of stormy weather, political coups, economic difficulties, and Christmas…

The snow globe has well and truly been shaken and we’re going through a lot of stuff through which, I think, we can emerge more whole.

I’m writing this on a train back to my parents’ place after a week of work, life, family and travel updates. 

Overall, I am feeling blessed. 

Christmas is one of my favourite times of year, it’s always made me happy and emotional, and I’m wearing my newly-ordered, all time favourite Christmas jumper as I write this. As the news about Syria came in this weekend, I couldn’t help but think about nearby Bethlehem… 

The nativity scene that adorns my jumper is of Jesus, Mary, Joseph, cattle, the wise men, and the star of Bethlehem overhead. 

Jesus of Nazareth was born, with the view to offering great healing for men, women, and families of all shapes and sizes. 

Like all families, my own nuclear and extended family hasn’t been perfect.

I’m trying not to judge, trying to let go of things, trying to process and be the best man I can be. I’d like to be a husband and father one day, and with God’s grace I will be.

My guiding star is family. The one thing I care about in this world more than God. 

I’m not perfect. 

I’m incredibly flawed. 

I am still a sucker for judging others — and disliking things in them which, really, I think are a reflection of the things I dislike in myself.

Constant self-reminders, accountability to others, and prayers are required.

I love family. 

It’s why I show up every day, doing what I do.

It’s why I’m building this media company.

And it’s why I’ll keep reflecting and process and creating until I draw my last breath.

With grace, service and asking your forgiveness for the mistakes I’ve made in this letter — and the many, many I’ll make in the future.



PS. Dedicated this letter to my cousin. Thank you for the memories this weekend, brother.